13 februari 2011

What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1992)

The real rural American life depicted in this movie is pretty poignant, set in a simple small village setting and brings to us social difficulties that can be universally extended. Gilbert tries to escape this environment in where he has to deal with his handicapped brother (played by a superb young DiCaprio) and his mother struggling with overweight.

I had some dilemma about whether I could appoint What's Eating Gilbert Grape to a whole post or not. The problem is that there isn't so much to see in the movie except for the character of Johnny Depp, whose style is simply exquisite during all of the movie. He rocks his brown trucker jacket all day long, with different longsleeves or striped shirts underneath it, accompanied by his light-blue Levi's 501 denim and his pair of Red Wing 8181 shoes. I love it. Although there's the handyman played by John C. Reilly, dressed up as a the typically truckdriver, who's pretty cool here: trucker cap, worn out Levi's jacket and another pair of Red Wings.

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